We are your number one supplier for all your quality camping gear in Lebanon.

Camping Without Borders gives you the best bang for your buck with products for light campers and professional campers.

Do you have any questions or in need of advice? Feel free to send us a message, give us a call or visit our store!

equipped for aLL circumstances.

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Do you have a preference for camping in the winter or in the summer? You like to camp by yourself, with your dog, with your partner or in a bigger group? Whatever you prefer, we help to get you geared up!


Camping and hiking is all fun unless you're not dressed for the occasion. We make sure you are good to go!


Do you love to show off your dishes outdoors? Trangia has got you covered! Lightweight portable cooking solutions are available in many variations.

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High quality backpacks for every situation.



Some say the fresh air of outdoor sleeping is something you will love! We agree, but only if you're equiped right.


We have the highest quality outdoor furniture to enjoy camping the most!

Become a volunteer!

Since Karma’s work is solely based on the efforts and dedication of its volunteers, we know that donated time is very valuable. Our volunteers assist in fundraising activities and support patients and their families during treatment, and contribute to the overall development of our organisation.

Share with a friend!

Sharing an following our work on our socials helps us grow. This also allows us to help more and more children.

Every share, follow and like means that we reach more people that can help us.

Sponsor a child.

Karma’s children are often in need of long and costly medical treatment. Through sponsorship, a child is given the gift of stability through monthly donations that will support his or her medical treatment until recovery. 

Sign-up for our monthly report.

Date of birth

© Karma 2015 - 2025

Do you want to become a volunteer?

As Karma is a volunteer based organisation, it relies on motivated volunteers and members who dedicate their time and skills to support Karma’s children.

To learn more about how to become a volunteer, please fill out the below form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Send us your question!

Let is know if you have any questions regarding Karma Lebanon. We will contact you as soon as possible!